Our commitment to missions and mission work can be seen in our support of the Local Homeless Shelters by partnering with Path of Life Ministry, churches and outreach opportunities right here in our own backyard. SBC supports two local homeless shelters, the Community and the Family Shelters. Many people have fallen on hard time, and need a little help through the Homeless Shelters. Members volunteer in both Shelters by providing tutoring and reading to the children, Bible Studies, hosting movie nights, and providing food. Members also assist in cleaning of facilities, provide jackets, mittens, socks, etc., and starter baskets, and home goods such as refrigerator, furniture, dishes and many more. SBC also anticipate cooking and serving meals in shelters to hundreds of people who are in need. Pastor Gantt’s trip to Africa…. SBC providing lighting for Families in Kenya, Africa. SBC partner with the Circle of Light Ministry in Denver, Colorado
Pastor & his wife, Lady Tofa’s Trip to Akividu, India (in the Region of Andhra Pradesh) From October 16 thru 31, 2016 – SBC teamed up with First Institution Baptist Church, Phoenix, Arizona by providing hope for Families in Andhra Pradesh Region of India hosted by Pastor Yesupadam Inty and the Calvary Baptist Church of Akividu, India. During the mission in India, the gospel was shared through preaching and teaching. The team provided songs of praise, and laying on of hands praying for the people of India. The team also visited several orphanage homes for children. The team gave words of encouragements by reading stories, poems and singing. The team gave out gifts to children. Pastor Yesupadam Inty and the Calvary Church are reaching hundreds of families in tribal regions and caring for the poorest in the community. Their ministry is feeding and clothing the poor, and sharing the good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, converting lives of Hindus and Muslims to Christianity. Help us help others by making a donation visiting www.secondbaptistriverside.org by clicking on “Give” under Mission. Remember, that your donation is tax deductible. You can help support our effort in helping feed the homeless locally, and in India. We would love you to partner with us in this effort.